Who We Are

The Transforming Education Systems at State Level (TESS) program was initiated in response to the need for educational reform and improvement in Nigeria.
TESS aims to enhance the quality of education and learningoutcomes in Nigerian states by addressing key challenges in the education sector. TESS seeks to transform the education sector in Nigeria and contribute to the country's socioeconomic growth and development.
Our Focus:
- Improving teacher quality
- Enhancing curriculum and learning assessment systems
- Strengthening school infrastructure
- Promoting community engagement
Institutional Arrangement
TESS establishes a robust governance structure involving four levels of coordination and implementation. The National Project Steering Committee(NPSC) and the Federal Project Coordination Unit (FPCU) at the the federal level; State Project Steering Committee (SPSC) at the the state level, State Project Coordination Units(SPSUs) for operational management, and Local Government Education Authorities (LGEA) at the local government level and School Based Management Committee (SBMC) at the school level.
Federal Level

Federal Ministry of Education (FMOE)
The Federal Ministry of Education is the ultimate sectoral authority for the project, responsible for oversight in the achievement of the project DLIs; strengthening the education planning and resource allocation in three states and sharing the experience in education planning sector wide. It also ensures monitoring and reporting on TESS implementation progress and results toward achieving system transformation.

Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC)
The Universal Basic Education Commission Is responsible for facilitating the implementation of UBE programs, supported by SUBEB at the state level in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Education and Development Partners (DPs) to ensure conduct of annual joint sector reviews in OAK states to monitor the implementation of the ESPs and the BESDA AF-TESS.

Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget, and National Planning (FMFBNP)
Federal Ministry of Finance Budget and National Planning provides policy guidance on fiscal matters.

State Level

State Ministry of Education (SMOE)
Responsible for the development of the school network to identify the need for additional schools and priorities for infrastructure improvement in existing schools; develop and implement a need-based teacher deployment policy; conduct learning assessments in core subjects and publish education budget spending in collaboration with the State General Accountant’s office.

State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB)
Responsible for allocating school infrastructure budget for underserved communities and supporting SBMCs that receive the funding to implement school construction and infrastructure improvement projects; development of pedagogical support materials and monitoring of Teacher Professional Development; and reporting on State UBE program expenditures reported by activity and outputs at student, teacher and school levels.

Local Government Education Authority (LGEA)
Responsible for teacher deployment/redeployment within its boundary with support from SMOE and SUBEB.

School Based Management Committee (SBMC)
Responsible for managing and overseeing infrastructure upgrading and construction, the grants, and teacher professional coaching support.